When we talk about eye injuries, there is something very important to keep in mind: anyone can suffer them.

A simple scratch, a blow to the eye, a sharp object, or an apparently harmless fall are some of the ways in which you can suffer an eye trauma. 

However, although many times eye injuries do not cause more consequence than pain and inflammation, we can put our vision at risk.

What should we do before a blow to the eye? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We answer this great question and we tell you what are the main complications of eye injuries. 

blow to the eye

What to do when faced with a blow to the eye? 

Usually a blow to the eye is usually harmless, causes a little discomfort, tearing and even stingingBut, after a few minutes, everything returns to normal if there are no features of any injury.

A typical example of these accidents can be a simple scratch, when we accidentally put a finger in our eye or we remove the eye with our fingernail. These eye injuries can cause negative impacts in the structure of the eye and jeopardize our vision.

When the trauma has been very severe and the patient has symptoms such as dizziness, blurred vision, double vision o headache, it is important to go immediately to the ophthalmologist. 

Also remember to ask for medical help if the person affected by a blow to the eye is a babyBecause babies, especially neonates, have a much smaller and developing eye structure and are at greater risk of suffering a major injury that negatively affects their vision. 

As a general rule, whenever an eye injury occurs, an ophthalmological center must be visited so that the health personnel examine the ocular structure and rule out internal injuries. This is the only tool that guarantees a timely diagnosis to prevent further complications. 

In case of an eye injury, keep the following tips in mind

  • Contact a specialist ophthalmologist, explain what happened and ask for guidance.
  • If you do not have access to an ophthalmologist, contact the emergency unit from the nearest hospital.
  • If the injury is very delicate, go immediately to emergencies or ask for an ambulance
  • It is important that do not touch, wash and apply any type of medicine in the eye until it is examined by a specialist. 
  • Any eye injury must be treated as a potential emergency and, therefore, should only be attended by specialists. If you are a nervous person and have difficulty acting during an emergency, ask for help immediately.

Possible complications of a blow to the eye

hit in the eye consequences

The eye is one of the most delicate structures of the human body and any blow or trauma can generate significant injuries.

Therefore, complications from a blow to the eye can range from a harmless bruise to a retinal detachment

Problems that can be caused by trauma to the eye include:

  • Subconjunctival hemorrhages that cause scandalous eye bleeding, but are more harmless than you think. These hemorrhages occur when the blow to the eye has broken several blood vessels and blood has leaked into the sclera, better known as the white part of the eye. Bleeding usually goes away on its own, is painless, does not cause vision loss, and may involve the entire sclera
  • Injuries that can compromise function of the optic nerve and, therefore, partially or totally affect vision. 
  • Problems in eye muscles which can cause mobility complications, squint and the correct functioning of the eye. 
  • Scratches, sharp objects, and blows to the eye can cause corneal opacity. The opacity of the cornea It is a very delicate disease that prevents light from passing correctly into the eye, causing severe visual problems.
  • La iritis traumatic is the inflammation of the iris caused by a blow, puncture or foreign body in the eye. 
  • Another complication of a blow to the eye is a hyphema, a hemorrhage that occurs in the anterior chamber of the eye, that space between the cornea and the iris. These bleeds are considered a medical emergency.
  • A blow to the eye can also fracture some of the bones surrounding the ocular structure. These breaks usually occur due to very severe trauma such as kicking or the impact of a ball on the face. 
  • Among the complications of eye injuries, highlights the retinal detachment. The retina It is the transparent and thin tissue where light is projected, which subsequently travels through the optic nerve to the brain and it is transformed into the images we see. When the retina is detached, the brain begins to receive erroneous information, spots, shadows, black spots, flashes of light, etc. If the retinal detachment is not treated in time, it can cause permanent vision loss.

Prevention of eye trauma

Is it possible to prevent a blow to the eye? Not always, but there are a series of preventive measures that we can take into account to protect our eyes.

Among them, we find the use of goggles during sports, as well as the use of masks during high-risk work activities. 

It is also important to choose goggles or face shields made with the suitable material, both for sports practice and for industrial safety, since many times they may seem resistant to the naked eye but they break easily or when they break they release small pieces of material that can enter the eyes.

Although the materials of approved glasses and masks are more expensive, it is worth buying them to protect the eye structure properly. Preventing any eye injury that could lead to bigger problems is, without a doubt, the best investment.

Remember, whenever you suffer trauma to the eye, do not hesitate to contact a specialist doctor. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada You will find the best ophthalmologists in Barcelona. We will wait for you!

Blow to the eye: what to do, complications and prevention
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Blow to the eye: what to do, complications and prevention
Find out what we should do when hit in the eye and what are the main complications it can have.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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