All the black spots on the eyes and floating flies in the campor visualThey are more common than one thinks. In fact, almost everyone experiences the appearance of a black spot on the eye at some time in their life. 

Why do these lesions appear? Black spots on the eyes are associated with the composition of the vitreous humor which, let us remember, is one of the two liquids found in the ocular structure. Black spots on the eye usually go away on their own and do not pose a serious risk to vision.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain why black spots appear in the eyes that move. 

What are black spots on the eyes?

All the myodesopsies are a disorder that occurs when they appear flying flies or black spots that float on the campor visual. Although floaters can become very annoying, especially when looking at a light or bright background, do not pose a serious risk to eye and eye health.

black spot in the eye

Sometimes myodesopsias or flying flies may interfere with the performance of some activities. Black spots on the eyes are usually seen more when using a computer screen, being in brightly lit places or seeing a wall with a white background.

Fortunately, vision floaters are more of a nuisance symptom than a serious problem as they are treatable. In general, once these black spots appear on the eyes, they can disappear after a few weeks on their own. 

If you think witness any kind of eye spot, do not hesitate to make an appointment with any of our experts.

Why does a black spot occur in the eye?

In the eyeball there are two substances, the vitreous humor and the aqueous humor. He vitreous humor It is among the retina and crystalline, and its function is to fill all that cavity to give a spherical shape to the ocular structure. 

The vitreous humor is a transparent jelly-like substance that forms during embryonic stage and does not regenerate for the rest of life. Over time, debris accumulates in the vitreous humor and casts shadows on the retina. These shadows are known as floating black spots or floaters. 

Vitreous humor irregularities and floaters are more common in people with myopia o d. It is also known that these black spots affect older people more than young people. 

They are dangerous?

Black spots on the eyes is not a serious disorder if it is diagnosed in time since we have treatments to eliminate them. The irregularities in the vitreous humor that cast shadows on the retina are the product of the passage of time and the accumulation of residues in said gelatinous substance, the vitreous humor.

When these floaters proliferate and treatment is not carried out in time, they can degenerate into more serious pathologies such as retinal detachment o vitreous detachment. However, the appearance of floating black spots in the eyes not considered a prior determining symptom of some visual disease. 

Do they have a cure?

Currently, we have technology and professionals capable of carrying out a treatment to eliminate floaters from vision. Sometimes the spots go away on their own, although they can reappear at any time.

black spots on the eyes

In cases where the spots become a vision problem for the patient or can trigger a more serious pathology, the doctor can evaluate the option of performing a vitrectomy, surgery that consists of extracting the vitreous humor and replacing it with a saline solution.

Can floaters or floaters be prevented?

Vitreous humor does not regenerate. Therefore, residues and foreign bodies that have penetrated the ocular structure are added to its original composition.

Preventing floaters is not possible, and this does not mean that all people will see these spots when they reach old age. However, it is important to understand that, in most cases, they are a consequence of aging and that there is nothing we can do. 

Whenever black spots appear on the white part of the eye or on the campor sight, you should go quickly to the ophthalmologist to examine the eye structure and check that everything is working properly. 

Are you seeing black spots? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We invite you to make an appointment with any of our medical specialists. We will wait for you! 

Black spot on the eye: should I worry?
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Black spot on the eye: should I worry?
En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain why black spots appear in the eyes that move.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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