Diabetes is a degenerative disease that over the years causes damage to different parts of the body, including the eyeball. But do you know how diabetes affects sight? This affects in many ways and it is important to highlight that The risk of blindness is ten times higher in diabetics than in non-diabetics.

Keeping blood glucose levels balanced and keeping this disease under control is very important to maintain good eye health. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in visual health care and below we explain in detail how diabetes affects sight. 

How diabetes affects the eye

Vision problems that can appear if you have diabetes

Diabetes can affect the eyes by damaging the blood vessels in the retina and increasing the predisposition to suffer conditions such as Cataracts y glaucoma. We are going to explain in detail the vision problems associated with diabetes:

Diabetic retinopathy

La Diabetic retinopathy it is the leading cause of vision loss or blindness in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes. This disease occurs when a person has had diabetes for many years or has had poorly controlled blood glucose for a long time. It is also more common in diabetics who smoke or suffer from hypertension.

Retinopathy is damage to the blood vessels of the retina, the tissue that lines the inside of the eye. The retina receives the light that reaches the eye and these, through the optic nerve, are transmitted to the brain in the form of nerve signals where we generate the image again. A person can have Diabetic retinopathy and have no symptoms. However, when the damage begins to be more important, it appears in the form of:


They are a group of diseases that can damage the optic nerve and cause partial or total loss of vision. Diabetics are more prone to glaucoma when they experience uncontrollable spikes of high blood glucose on a regular basis.

Glaucoma manifests itself through a significant increase in the pressure of the fluid in the eye (aqueous humor) that progressively injures the nerve. To treat this disease you can use drugs or perform eye surgeries to drain the aqueous humor and lower the pressure. However, it is necessary to previously assess the patient's health to determine whether or not he is a candidate for glaucoma surgery.


El crystalline It is the lens that allows the correct focus of the lights and images that enter the eye. Over time, the lens becomes opaque and this loss of transparency makes it difficult for light to pass through the retina. When this happens, what we know as Cataracts, a progressive condition that causes blurred vision and loss of sight.

Cataracts are not only common in diabetics, in fact it is a condition that affects a large part of the population over 60 years of age. This disease can appear first in one eye, but later it will also appear in the other eye. When the lens begins to cloud and vision loss occurs, treatment will need to be started.

When cataract symptoms begin to significantly affect a person's quality of life, it is necessary for the ophthalmologist to evaluate the option of performing surgery to remove the cataracts and insert an intraocular lens. The cataract operation can be carried out both in social security and in private centers.

Why sugar causes cataracts?

Diabetics know the importance of keeping blood sugar under control to avoid negative consequences for their eyesight, but how do high blood glucose spikes affect eye health? When a person has high blood sugar, the lens absorbs blood glucose and becomes inflamed, which can cause blurred vision or myopia.

If a diabetic person does not take care of their blood glucose levels and constantly suffers from significant spikes, the enzymes of the lens convert sugar into sorbitol and this substance opacifies the lens until it causes cataracts and, progressively, loss of vision. Endocrinological and ophthalmological control is very important to protect the eye health of a diabetic.

Can I have cataract surgery if I have diabetes?

When cataracts significantly affect the patient's quality of life and prevent them from performing daily tasks such as driving, it is important for the doctor to evaluate the option of operate the cataracts. In the event that the person is diabetic, it is essential that both the endocrinologist and the ophthalmologist evaluate the general and ocular health of the patient and give authorization to perform the surgery.

Medical specialists should test blood glucose, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels months before surgery. It is also important to consider blood pressure measurements and the presence of other conditions that require treatment prior to surgery.

Cataract surgery is very effective in restoring visual acuity and in Área oftalmológica Avanzada We have the best technological and human team to carry it out. If you need more information, just contact us.

How diabetes affects sight
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How diabetes affects sight
Diabetes is a disease that over the years causes damage to different parts of the body. Discover here how diabetes affects sight.
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Área oftalmológica avanzada
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