Ocular synechia is a disease that consists of the adherence of the iris to cornea or crystalline. This pathology alters the circulation of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber to the posterior chamber of the eye, generating a significant increase in Intraocular pressure

However, synechiae is not the same in all cases, even though it may have similar symptoms or effects. For that reason, it is important to review and examine it as soon as possible.

En Advanced Ophthalmology Area We explain what ocular synechia is, what its causes are and its most recommended treatment.  

ocular synechia

What is ocular synechia?

La Ocular synechiae is a disease that affects the circulation of the aqueous humor It goes from the anterior chamber to the posterior chamber of the eye.

This occurs because the iris has adhesions to other ocular structures such as the cornea or lens and, although it can be detected with the naked eye, it is very important to examine the eye to determine its origin. 

Adhesions caused by ocular synechiae lead to a significant swelling in the eye. Combating this inflammation is very important to prevent injuries from being generated within the ocular structure. 

In addition, ocular synechiae can significantly increase the Intraocular pressure of the eye, a very common symptom in people suffering from glaucoma. It should be noted that each case of synechia is different from the other and, in the most severe cases, there is a greater risk that the patient will suffer blindness. 


Two types of ocular synechia according to the part of the eye in which the adherence has occurred:

  • The anterior ocular synechia it happens when the iris adheres to the cornea. This type of infection also known as iridocorneal synechia y affects flow aqueous humor from the anterior chamber of the eye to the posterior
  • The posterior ocular synechia is one that occurs when the iris adheres to the lens. It is also known by the name of iridocrystalline synechiae y blocks the passage of aqueous humor from the posterior chamber of the eye to the anterior

Knowing the type of synechia that a patient presents is fundamental to treat it on time. Otherwise, some complications such as deformed pupils and secondary glaucoma, Among others.


The most common causes of ocular synechiae are:

  • Eye trauma. Injuries are one of the most common causes by which a synechia can be triggered. In general, the blows should be strong enough to affect the flow of aqueous humor in the eye. 
  • Complication of eye surgery. All surgeries carry risk. Some of them leave sequelae that, if not treated in time, can cause ocular synechia.  
  • Congenital disease. There are people that are born with an ocular synechia, and that is due to a problem in the development of the ocular structure during the embryonic stage. Ophthalmologists must treat it to prevent it from negatively interfering with the patient's daily life. It is important to note that the congenital ocular synechia is usually recurrent
  • Uveitis. The uveitis It is an inflammation that occurs in the inner part of the eye and that affects any of the parts that make up the uvea eyepiece: iris, choroid y ciliary body. When inflammation significantly affects the iris, it can lead to ocular synechia. 
  • Cataract. A cataract It is the opacity of the lens that is produced by the natural aging of the eye. When the cataract reaches a very high degree of development, it can induce an ocular synechia

Treatment of ocular synechia

ocular synechiae

The first step in treating ocular synechiae is go to the ophthalmologist as soon as we notice the adherence of the iris, inflammation or eye pain. In the medical consultation, the specialist must examine the ocular structure exhaustively, using the ophthalmoscope and/or a slit lamp.

Fortunately, all types of ocular synechia can be treated, although the cure will depend solely and exclusively on the degree of evolution of the disease and the state of the patient's ocular structure.

For treat ocular synechia, we usually prescribe the instillation of mydriatic eye drops. These substances act in the eye by dilating the pupil and help to separate the adherence of the iris, especially in cases of posterior synechia. However, pupil dilation in an eye with synechiae can cause the pupil to take on an irregular shape.

When the synechia is severe and has caused additional complications in the eye, it is likely that treatment includes medications or therapies for other eye conditions such as glaucoma

Synechia of the eye can also be treated using antifibrinolytics, a type of medication that breaks down and removes the fibrous structures that have caused the malformation.

To combat this inflammation, you can use topical corticosteroids and, in cases of High intraocular pressure, it will be necessary to evaluate the possibility of administer beta blockers

In very severe cases of ocular synechia or when the patient suffers from angle closure glaucoma, you can choose to make a peripheral laser iridotomy o surgical treatment of glaucoma.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in the diagnosis and treatment of ocular synechia. Do not hesitate to contact us if you present any symptoms of this disease or if you need to check your eye health. We will be happy to help you!

Ocular synechia: what is it, causes and treatment
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Ocular synechia: what is it, causes and treatment
Find out what ocular synechia is, what its symptoms are and what treatment is the most recommended.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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