vitamin k cataracts

With antioxidant effects on the crystalline, vitamin K helps prevent Cataracts, as well as to delay its appearance and slow down its evolution. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we study the level of oxidation of the eye and offer personalized treatments.

Recent studies point to the role of vitamin K for prevent cataracts due to its high antioxidant capacity. The conclusions reached by the researchers is that a diet rich in this vitamin, especially of the K1 type, prevents the appearance of cataracts and delays their evolution in cases where it has already begun. That's why in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We want to emphasize the importance of a diet rich in vitamins that, thanks to its high antioxidant power, are very beneficial for the eyes and vision.

Foods to prevent cataracts

Vitamin K1 is found in multiple foods, usually dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, broccoli, foods that are also rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. This nutrient can also be found in other vegetables such as fresh and dried tomatoes, asparagus, celery and carrots famous for their connection to good vision!

Other foods to prevent cataracts rich in vitamin K are basil, chives, pickles and fruits such as blueberries and blackberries. If you want more information about other alternatives with this nutrient, do not forget to consult foods rich in vitamin k1.

Pioneering studies to detect the appearance of cataracts

For some years now we know that the opacification of the lens, better known as Cataracts, is due to the oxidation of the proteins that constitute it. First, there is a hardening of the lens that causes the Presbyopia or eyestrain and then opacification or cataracts. As the process is due to the oxidation of proteins, everything that slows down implies prevention or delay both in the appearance of the tired eyesight As of the falls.

The good news is that we can now perform a study of the crystalline state and the level of oxidation of tissues, depending on the results it is possible to establish a personalized treatment to stop the oxidation process and prevent cataracts, as well as delay their evolution in the case that they have already manifested.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the necessary technology to carry out this type of studies and we can also establish a personalized treatment that combines a specific antioxidant diet for each person, with therapies aimed at stopping protein oxidation, such as Radiofrequency, a method that seeks natural improvement, avoiding drugs, chemical products that can cause unknown side effects or toxic type when used for a long time.

Diet rich in vitamin K helps prevent cataracts
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Diet rich in vitamin K helps prevent cataracts
To prevent cataracts there are different recommendations, but did you know that vitamin K has antioxidant effects that help prevent them?
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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