Currently we can significantly improve visual quality, effectively reducing the side effects of multifocal intraocular lenses.

With the new double-pass laser diagnostic technologies, HDA Visiometrics, we are able to detect patients with alterations in the tear film, main cause of halos and blurred vision after surgery, and through High intensity pulsed light or Thermaeye We managed to improve the state of the tear, with 1 or 2 sessions before and after surgery, increasing the visual quality and the degree of satisfaction of our patients.

side effects of multifcal intraocular lens surgery

In recent years we have seen a spectacular advance in multifocal intraocular lenses used in cataract surgery and in refractive surgery crystalline. Your goal is eliminate dependence on glasses after surgeryHowever, we still see a high percentage of patients with vision problems, with the presence of halos around lights, glare and blurred vision, like through dirty glass.

This situation, considered as secondary effects of the surgery of Cataracts with multifocal intraocular lenses, it can become very annoying and even prevent the usual day-to-day tasks.

Side effects of the most frequent multifocal intraocular lenses

We currently know that the poor quality of vision with multifocal lenses should, in most cases, to the presence of alterations in the tear. Recent studies show that in 70% of patients with poor vision after cataract or phacorefractive surgery with multifocal lenses, there was a box Dry Eye, an unstable tear film, responsible for the phenomena of blurred vision, glare and halos.

The real problem was that patients who consult for cataract surgery or to remove glasses in age groups over 50 years, where lens or phacorefractive surgery is indicated, are patients with little eye discomfort. Dry Eye but with one altered tear film y which usually goes unnoticed by the ophthalmologist, generally because they do not have the necessary means to establish their diagnosis. He is a patient for whom multifocal lenses should not be recommended, even because until recently we did not have fully effective treatment protocols.

The good news is that now, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada, we can diagnose and treat patients before surgery thanks to the best technology.

Studies before surgery to prevent discomfort

A double-pass laser makes it possible to reveal the state of the tear and its impact on visual quality. It is a technology that does not require touching the eye, it is painless and 2 or 3 minutes are enough to carry out the entire study.

In cases where we detect alterations in the tear film, we can establish a previous treatment to improve the state of the tear film. Depending on the situation of each patient, 1 or 2 sessions of Pulsed light of high intensity or Thermaeye before surgery and in cases with more advanced dry eye, it may be necessary 1 or 2 more sessions after the intervention, to definitively improve the tear and visual quality.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We have these advances to solve the secondary effects of surgery with multifocal intraocular lenses, achieving a high degree of satisfaction of our patients who undergo this intervention. We have also managed to improve those patients who have already undergone surgery and who have not yet optimized their visual quality.

We recommend this type of diagnostic study and treatment to all patients who are going to undergo cataract or phacorefractive surgery, or to those who have already undergone surgery and are not happy with their vision.

Side effects of multifocal intraocular lenses and solutions
Article name
Side effects of multifocal intraocular lenses and solutions
We explain the secondary effects of multifocal lenses in cataracts and the solutions that we currently have for possible setbacks.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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