There are ocular interventions that are little known, but that are much more important than they seem. One of them is the posterior capsulotomy, a process that is performed after the cataract operation and that is essential.

If you want to know more, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We tell you what posterior capsulotomy is, when it should be performed, its procedure and the necessary conditions to carry it out. Keep reading!

posterior capsulotomy

What is the posterior capsulotomy?

The first thing to know is what a posterior capsulotomy is. This is a surgical procedure that almost always must be be performed after the operation Cataracts. It is done after a few months or a few years, depending on the characteristics of the eye, the implanted lens and, especially, the age of the patient.

La cataract surgery is done when the crystalline, which focuses the objects on the retina, it becomes opaque. The main symptom of cataracts is clouding the patient's vision, making it look blurry. 

Because it is important?

The posterior capsule is normally transparent. However, as time passes after cataract surgery may become dull or wrinkled. When this happens, blurred vision occurs after cataract surgery and the effect it generates is like seeing through the glass of dirty glasses.

The end result is decreased vision and clouding again, similar to when the original cataract occurred.

If the opacity of the posterior capsule interferes with vision, the ophthalmologist can make a window in this structure that restores the passage of light and recovers vision prior to the opacity process. This can be done using an Nd:YAG laser, also known as YAG laser.

It is not necessary to remove the entire capsule, since it is sufficient to open a window in the center of approximately 4 mm. Although the procedure of YAG capsulotomy With laser, it requires a lot of precision on the part of the ophthalmologist, for the patient the technique is generally quick, painless and does not require an operating room or hospitalization.

How it is performed?

The lens has a cellophane-like membrane that covers it and is called a capsule. The most advanced surgical technique consists of extraction of the lens preserving the posterior part of the capsule.

This technique maintains the natural barrier that exists between the compartments of the eyeball. In addition, the posterior part of the capsule can be used as a support for the intraocular lens, which is normally implanted in the same surgical act.

What happens during the procedure?

La posterior capsulotomy with YAG laser It is a very simple operation that is performed in less than 5 minutes in the ophthalmologist's office. During the procedure the following occurs:

  • Application of local anesthesia in the eye: through eye drops and other tears to dilate the pupil if required. 
  • Use of YAG laser: it is aimed at the back of the lens capsule, making a small opening. 
  • Postoperative: YAG laser capsulotomy needs aftercare for everything to go well. Eye drops are usually prescribed for a week, in addition to other processes and precautions indicated by the ophthalmologist. 
  • Recovery after YAG laser posterior capsulotomy: If everything went well, the view will return to normal in 24 hours. After this time, you should be able to perform daily activities again, such as driving. 

Possible risks

La posterior capsulotomy could have complications, since it is an invasive medical procedure. Although these are rare, they should be considered as a precaution. If you detect any of them, you should go to your trusted ophthalmologist quickly to solve the problem. These are some of the most common:

  • Increased eye pressure.
  • Movement of the intraocular lens: it does so through the opening made in the posterior capsule.
  • Appearance of ocular inflammation: it is treated with steroid drops.
  • Retinal detachment: It appears especially in myopic patients. If you see flying flies or flashes of light, go quickly to the ophthalmologist.
  • Appearance of cystic macular edema.

When should you have a posterior capsulotomy?

If vision decreases after cataract surgery, it is important consult with the ophthalmologist.  A YAG capsulotomy may be indicated if vision has decreased sufficiently and the ophthalmologist considers capsular opacification to be the cause.

Many people may need a capsulotomy after cataract surgery, but the need to have one you shouldn't worry. In reality, the process of opacity or the appearance of folds in the capsule is part of the normal healing process in most people who undergo this intervention.

Finally, remember that an eye disorder can appear at any age. Many eye diseases do not cause any symptoms until the disease has caused irreversible damage. Many types of blindness are preventable if diagnosed and treated early, so regular medical examinations by an ophthalmologist are very important. 

For this reason, we recommend that you get a annual eye exam with your trusted ophthalmologist. Only in this way can you be correctly evaluated and prevent serious vision problems, such as cataracts or retinal detachment

On the other hand, if you have any symptoms or detect something strange in your campor visual, go immediately to a specialized ophthalmologist. Only a trained professional can detect the problem and cure it quickly. Remember that early detection helps prevent major illnesses, avoid serious consequences such as blindness and facilitate treatment. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We are specialists in performing interventions such as cataract surgery or posterior capsulotomy. If you have any symptoms, want to have a check-up or simply need more information, contact us without obligation. Our experts will be happy to help you with what you need, helping you to solve all your doubts. Don't let it go!


What should you know about posterior capsulotomy?
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What should you know about posterior capsulotomy?
Posterior capsulotomy is a surgical procedure that should almost always be performed after cataract surgery.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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