El crystalline It is the natural lens of the eye and in charge of focusing objects so that we do not see blur.

Over the years, the lens ages and loses its elasticity and transparency. This opacification is known by the name of Cataracts, a disease that causes blurred vision of images at any distance. 

The only method currently available to correct Cataracts it is through the cataract surgery, a modern and safe procedure that allows the opacified lens to be replaced by a intraocular lens transparent.

However, like any surgical procedure, it can have side effects, among which blurred vision stands out. 

Next, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain why some people have blurred vision after cataract surgery. Keep reading!

blurred vision after cataract operation

What is a cataract operation like?

Cataract surgery is currently one of the surgical procedures most performed worldwide.

It is a surgery that has evolved a lot in recent years and, in addition to offering very successful results, it is very safe for patient health and it can be performed in an outpatient operating room.

The cataract operation is carried out under a technique called phacoemulsification that allows us to dissolve the opaque lens using ultrasound technology. Once we have removed the lens, we introduce a transparent intraocular lens that will act as a lens, returning clear vision to the patient.

The surgery ends once the lens has been placed into the eye. In this intervention it is not necessary to carry out any type of suture. After the operation, the patient can go home without having to stay in the hospital

Why do I see blur after cataract surgery?

Like any intervention, cataract surgery, although very safe and predictable, is not without risks and blurred vision after cataract surgery is one of them. Therefore, there is a possibility that a cataract operated patient may have blurred vision after surgery.

This symptom can be due to several reasons and the most common cause is fluid retention o corneal edema.

Another common cause of blurred vision after cataract surgery is that the intraocular lens has become dirty and it is giving the patient the strange feeling of seeing through a foggy window.

Fortunately, both situations can correct effectively and without affecting the result of the different types of cataract operation

It is important to note that after surgery, it is normal for some time to pass before the visual system suits the lens extraction and the new lens.

During this adaptation period, various symptoms may arise which, like blurred vision, are passengers and do not represent an alarm signal. 

How to correct blurred vision after the operation?

after cataract operation I see blurry

It is a natural process in which the migration of cells from the anterior epithelium to the posterior capsule, degenerating and opacifying it. The result is loss of vision, similar to when cataracts started and is therefore called "secondary cataract or second cataract”Because he remembers it, but it has nothing to do with the cataract process.

Some patients believe that "soiled the intraocular lens”That was implemented but is not. The cause is that is the posterior capsule of the lens that we leave behind in cataract surgery and where the intraocular lens rests the one causing blurry vision after cataract surgery.

Posterior capsule opacity occurs in most cases after cataract surgery or refractive lens surgery, especially in young patients.

In most cases, blurred vision in cataract operated patients is totally transitory and it is solved in the following way:

  • When the cause of blurred vision is corneal edema, the problem it solves itself as days go by. After surgery, the body gradually absorbs the fluid accumulated in the cornea And, once the edema has disappeared, the blurred vision disappears. 
  • When dirt is seen on the intraocular lens, it is because, in reality, there is opacity in the lens capsule, structure that supports the new lens, or cells and / or proteins of the eye's metabolism that have been deposited in said capsule. In these cases, simply perform a posterior capsulotomy Through the YAG laser to correct this defect and remove blurred vision. This treatment is simple, is performed in consultation and is carried out in a single session. 

El treatment is not surgical and the solution, as we have said, is to carry out what we call "capsulotomy posterior”With a YAG laser. We carry out this treatment in the consultation, the pupil and we proceed to the opening of a "window" in the posterior capsule, to let the light pass back to the retina. This procedure is painless, takes just 30 seconds and is for life.

After its completion we recommend some physical and visual rest for a day and do not do violent physical exercise for 1 week.

By way of conclusion, we can say that the opacity of the posterior lens capsule should not be considered a failure in the cataract operation. 

Other possible complications in the postoperative period of the cataract operation

All surgical treatments can lead to complications or unwanted side effects, and cataract surgery is no exception.

In addition to blurred vision, other inconveniences can occur in the postoperative period of the cataract operation. Let's find out which are the most frequent: 

To reduce the risks of eye surgery, it is essential to be attended by a professional and responsible ophthalmic team. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we are experts in cataract surgery. Make an appointment with one of our specialists and let us take care of the rest. We will wait for you!

Causes of blurred vision after cataract surgery
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Causes of blurred vision after cataract surgery
Learn now why some people have blurred vision after cataract surgery. We tell you all the details.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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