If there is a symptom as common as it is annoying, that is itching in the tear duct. The itching usually starts unexpectedly and is so intense that many times the person cannot avoid scratching the eyes intensely. The truth is that, by doing this, instead of relieving it, we can make our discomfort worse. 

Itchy tear duct is a very common symptom of allergies, especially in spring, but it can also be caused by other eye conditions such as conjunctivitis. When this symptom manifests itself, the ideal is to go to the ophthalmologist to examine the eyes and determine its cause. 

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what are the conditions that can cause itching in the tear duct. 

itchy tear duct

What is itchy tear duct? 

Itching in the tear duct is one of the most common symptoms in an ophthalmological consultation. 

An itchy eye can be caused by a variety of conditions, but it is almost always allergy related, conjunctivitis and infections. In most cases, these are not diseases that can put eye health at risk.  

All the main causes of itchy tear ducts are: 

Allergic conjunctivitis

Agents such as pollen, mites and mold can trigger an allergic reaction in the ocular structure. This type of conjunctivitis it is more frequent during the spring and summer months

La allergic conjunctivitis It occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen and triggers the release of histamine. An excess of this substance in the body causes allergy symptoms such as itching in the tear duct, crying eyes, sneezing, red eyes and hives

Viral conjunctivitis

La viral conjunctivitis It is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, because the eye has come into contact with a virus, such as herpes, flu or influenza. This type of conjunctivitis it is highly contagious and it is very frequent in the autumn and winter months. 

Bacterial conjunctivitis

La bacterial conjunctivitis is what happens when the eye comes into direct contact with certain bacteria. In this case, a much more serious eye infection occurs that is characterized by the appearance of yellowish or whitish eye secretions. 

In addition to itching in the tear duct, bacterial conjunctivitis usually causes scab formation on the tabs, excess rheum, sensitivity to light, and watery eyes.

ophthalmia neonatorum

This condition is a very common conjunctival inflammation that occurs in babies within a few days of birth. It is very similar to conjunctivitis and can be caused by various complications, from contact with bacteria present in the birth canal to a contaminated operating room. 

Dry eye syndrome

When we have Dry Eye, either due to the scarcity of tears or their poor quality, intense itching may occur in the tear duct. It is important to remember that the excessive use of digital screens, hormonal changes, as well as contact lenses, are some of the causes of dry eyes


Any allergic reaction can trigger symptoms in the ocular structure, such as itching in the tear duct. The allergens most related to this discomfort are dust mites and pollen

Infections or inflammations

Any pathogen that comes into contact with the eyes can cause an infection or inflammatory process. most infections are accompanied by secretions and are highly contagious. Depending on the affected area, the infection can be more or less serious for the health of the eye. 

itchy eyes


As you may have noticed, itchy tear duct is a very common symptom in various eye diseases. this nuisance it is characterized by being intense and constant and makes the patient unable to control the urge to scratch the eye in search of relief. 

In most cases, scratching the tear duct only worsens the symptoms and further inflames the lacrimal sac. In case of eye allergies It is important to note that the action of scratching the eyes stimulates the release of histamine, which worsens the allergy and its symptoms. 

If the origin of the itching is an infection, when scratching our eyes we could add more bacteria to the eye structure or increase the risk of contagion around us.  

How to treat itchy tear ducts?

The treatment of itchy tears can vary depending on the origin of your discomfort. In the presence of this symptom, it is important assist the ophthalmologist to examine both eyes and determine the cause of the itching. 

Treatment of itchy lacrimal you can consider different options, See: 

  • Eye drops with antibiotic medications to treat eye infections and bacterial conjunctivitis. 
  • Eye drops with antihistamine medications to treat eye allergies and allergic conjunctivitis. 
  • La viral conjunctivitis It usually heals on its own with the passing of days. In case of a lot of eye discomfort, the doctor may prescribe over-the-counter pain relievers and artificial tears.
  • During conjunctivitis and eye infections it is important keep eyes clear of secretions. For this we recommend wash your eyes several times a day using only saline solution 
  • El dry eye treatment You can consider different alternatives. Some options are artificial tears, eye drops, punctal plugs, or treatment with Pulsed light I radiofrequency

How to prevent it?

Many times the itching in the tear duct is a symptom of conditions that we can avoid if we put into practice some preventive measures. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We share with you some tips to take care of your eyes: 

  • Don't touch your eyes with dirty hands. 
  • Wash your hands several times a day using antibacterial soap. 
  • Do not lend your glasses, contact lenses, makeup and any other items for personal use such as towels and pillows. 
  • Attends the ophthalmologist annually for an annual review. 
  • Wash and disinfect your lenses and its respective case. 
  • Don't sleep with contact lenses put on. 
  • If you suffer from frequent allergies it is important that you go to the allergist to get preventive treatment
  • Keep your house always clean to avoid accumulation of dust. 
  • use artificial tears to hydrate your eyes and prevent dry eyes caused by the use of digital screens.

Visit Área Oftalmológica Avanzada and ask us for an appointment if you have to treat your tear itching. We have the best professionals. We will wait for you!

What is the itching in the tear duct and how to cure it?
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What is the itching in the tear duct and how to cure it?
Itchy tear duct is a very common symptom of allergies, especially in spring, but it can also be caused by other eye conditions such as conjunctivitis.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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