The skin of Eyelids It is a very sensitive tissue that can be affected by external irritants or allergens. Among the most common eyelid diseases highlights the eyelid dermatitis o eyelid dermatitisa chronic anomaly what cause symptom very annoying as itching, dryness e irritation

Due to the delicate nature of the skin of the eyelids, it is very important treat dermatitis in time to avoid major and recurrent injuries.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what dermatitis on the eyelids is and how it is cured.

eyelid dermatitis

What is eyelid dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a pathology that occurs when the eye comes into contact with some substance irritating o allergic.

The skin of Eyelids It is a very thin and delicate fabric that is responsible for protecting the ocular structure external factors, be it dust, pollen or debris particles.

La dermatitis on the eyelids of the eyes is an irritation very annoying that, generally, produces itching. It is a chronic disease that must be treated thoroughly to prevent recurrence. 

Types of dermatitis on the eyelids

different types of atopic dermatitis. Let's find out what they are:

Seborrheic dermatitis 

It is produced by a fat accumulation on the skin and usually causes the formation of yellow scales in the fabric. in his phase chronicle, may cause wounds and secretions.

This type of dermatitis on the eyelids affects more the older people

Eczematous Dermatitis

This type of dermatitis is manifest through different skin lesions as vesicles, papules, edema y exudation.

In most cases, the eczematous dermatitis is associated with diseases of immune system or chronic episodes of Stress

Medicinal dermatitis

El consumption of some medications and streptomycin, dicainum, and the penicillin can cause atopic dermatitis as a side effect. Necessary stop medication intake to stop the medicinal eyelid dermatitis

Allergic dermatitis

This type of dermatitis is the one that most affects the eyelids, and can be caused by any irritating factor o allergen such as pollen, Mites, makeup and some body lotions.

Detect the allergy trigger is essential to be able to avoid that dermatitis be recurrent


The skin of the eyelids is a very delicate tissue that contains poor natural hydration y many blood vessels.

La sensitivity that characterizes the palpebral tissue makes it more prone to being affected by irritations and allergies. 

The Eczema on the eyelid is caused by:

  • Toxic substances.
  • Drugs.
  • Acids
  • Allergens
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Stress.
  • Subsistence allowance.
  • Ultraprocessed foods 

Symptoms of eyelid dermatitis

how to cure eyelid dermatitis

The symptoms of eyelid dermatitis may vary depending on the type of dermatitis, trigger factor and patient's health status.

Among the most common symptoms of eyelid eczema we find: 

  • Itching on the skin of the eyelids. 
  • Excessive tearing
  • Redness of the white part of the eye or sclera
  • Erythema
  • Inflammation of the eyelid or edema 
  • Dryness of the eyelid skin.
  • Peeling of the eyelid skin. 

Prevention for dermatitis on the eyelids

For treat dermatitis on the eyelids, it is necessary to know its cause and avoid contact with the trigger.

In general, it is recommended to keep a thorough cleaning of the eyelid and do use of creams for eyelid dermatitis. 

Eyelid eczema can become a recurring disorder, so to avoid it we advise you to take the following actions into account:

  • Clean your eyes at least 2 times a day with hypoallergenic products that do not alter the pH of your skin. You can use special cleansers for sensitive skin or neutral soaps. 
  • If you feel that dermatitis is starting to appear on the eyelids, avoid scratching your skin y apply a cream for atopic dermatitis. 
  • Whenever you have been in contact with any irritating substance, remember wash your hands well.
  • Avoid exposing yourself to very drastic changes in temperature.
  • Keep the skin of the eyelids hydrated applying an eye contour or eyelid cream. 
  • Use makeup for sensitive skin

When you have any symptoms of dermatitis on the eyelids, go immediately to the ophthalmologist to be examined and receive the appropriate treatment. In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We have the best specialists in Barcelona and we are experts in the treatment of eyelid dermatitis. We will wait for you!

Dermatitis on the eyelids: what is it and how is it cured?
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Dermatitis on the eyelids: what is it and how is it cured?
Discover with Área Oftalmológica Avanzada What is dermatitis on the eyelids, how does it occur, what are its symptoms and how to treat it.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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