The appearance of a lump in the eye is one of the most common reasons for visiting the ophthalmologist. This situation, in most cases, is a benign lesion that does not represent a major risk to health.  

There are many factors that can trigger the appearance of a lump in the eye. Similarly, it can also manifest in different areas of the eye structure.

In all cases, in the presence of a lump in the eye, it is very important to go to the ophthalmologist to examine the lump, determine its cause and apply the appropriate treatment. 

Do you have a lump in your eye? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We explain what are the most common causes for this injury and how to treat it properly. Keep reading!

eye lump

Common Locations of Lumps in the Eye 

There are certain areas of the eye structure that are more prone to get a lump in the eye, such as Eyelids, the lid margin and the sclera:

  • At eyelid edge There are numerous sebaceous glands that, when infected with any external agent or bacteria, can trigger an inflammatory process that causes the formation of a lump similar to a pimple. Plugging of a hair follicle can also cause a lump in the eye. 
  • The Eyelids They are the part of the eye that is most exposed to the outside and, therefore, they are more likely to be in contact with infectious agents. Small lumps may also appear on the eyelids as the body's response to fat metabolism. 
  • Yellow dots may appear on the sclera or white part of the eye. 

Lump on the eyelid: upper and lower

Lumps can appear on both the upper and lower eyelids. They are common in people of all ages and, although in many cases they are not a cause for concern, if a lump changes size, color or shape, it is important to seek eye care to review and rule out more serious problems. 

Lump inside the eyelid

Lumps that appear inside the eyelid are usually the result of an infection or inflammation of the sebaceous glands (Meibomian glands)and can sometimes cause discomfort when blinking. It is essential not to try to “squeeze” or “puncture” these lumps as they can become infected or worsen when handled. In cases where these, or other lumps, persist over time, it is essential to visit an ophthalmologist.

Lump in the tear duct of the eye 

The lacrimal system can become blocked for various reasons, such as infections, foreign bodies or tumors. When this obstruction occurs, it can lead to a lump or inflammation in the tear area that can be painful and cause excessive tearing.

White lump in the eye

A white lump may be a pinguecula, a common, benign tumor of the conjunctiva, or a small cyst. Although they are not usually dangerous, it is important that an ophthalmology specialist evaluates them to determine their nature and decide if they require treatment.

Lump under the eye

Lumps under the eye are usually cysts or small pockets of fat. In most cases they are not dangerous, in other cases these lumps may require surgical intervention to remove. It is advisable to go to an ophthalmology specialist to determine what case it is.

Lump inside the eye or on the eyeball

A lump inside the eye may be a sign of a more serious condition, such as a tumor or internal inflammation. In these cases it is crucial to go to a specialist for an accurate diagnosis and to be able to act as soon as possible.

Painless upper eyelid lump

A painless lump on the upper eyelid could be a chalazion, which is a chronic inflammation of a meibomian gland. Although they are not usually painful, they can grow and affect vision. In cases like this it is important to go to an ophthalmologist specialist so that he or she can determine a treatment to follow. 

Lump on the cornea of ​​the eye

The lumps in the cornea They can be caused by injuries, infections or inflammations. It is essential to see a specialist, since they can affect vision and normally require specific treatment.

Lump on the conjunctiva of the eye

The conjunctiva of the eye can become inflamed due to allergies, infections or foreign bodies, causing a lump. Although they are usually benign, it is important to see a specialist for proper diagnosis and treatment if they persist over time. 

Why did a lump appear in my eye?

The reasons why a lump may appear in the eye are diverse and vary depending on the type of lump. In most cases, lumps in the eye are the result of plugging of a sebaceous gland or a meibomian gland. 

A lump can also form in the eye due to infectious processes caused by poor eyelid hygiene, for not properly clean contact lenses or for not removing makeup before going to sleep. 

Common causes

There are different types of lumps in the eye and each of them is associated with different causes. Let's see what they are: 

  • sties. Styes are bumps that can form both on the eyelids and on the eyelid margin due, among other reasons, to the plugging of a sebaceous gland. When a gland becomes clogged, all the fat that it produces along with bacteria and waste accumulates inside it, which triggers an infection that leads to stye formation. These are red and painful, and can cause excessive tearing. The Styes usually heal by themselves after a few days.
  • Pinguécula. These are small white bumps that can form in the sclera due to an excess of fats and proteins in the body. They usually go away on their own over time. 
  • Chalazions. They appear in the highest part of the eyelid and it is a cyst fabric and fluid filling. This lump inside is very similar to a stye, but it is not painful, it can move if you touch it and they can interfere with campor visual.  
  • Xanthelasmas. They are benign tumors, usually yellow in color, that can appear on the part of the skin of the eyelids that is closest to the tear duct. These lesions are associated with increased blood cholesterol levels. 

How to identify and remove the lump in the eye?

The treatment to eliminate a lump in the eye varies according to the type of injury that the patient presents. For this reason, it is very important go to the ophthalmologist for examine the eye structure, offer a diagnosis and determine the indicated treatment for the lump in the eye.  

When it comes to a stye and chalazion, the ophthalmologist may recommend the application of hot compresses to deflate the bump progressively and make it drain its content on its own. 

Styes usually go away on their own after 10 days. However, if this is not the case, it is important to go back to the ophthalmologist to rule out that the lump is a chalazion or a cystic stye.

In these cases, the ophthalmologist will probably decide to perform a minor surgery (chalazion surgery) to remove the eye lesion. 

The pinguecula usually goes away on its own, but since Área Oftalmológica Avazanda recommends that you go to the doctor to rule out other more dangerous injuries such as pterygium.

In any case, only an ophthalmology specialist can suggest the correct treatment for the different types of lumps in the eye. For this reason, if you have a lump in your eye, it is best to make an appointment immediately. 

Effective treatments for eyelid lumps

As we have already seen, there are a variety of types of lumps, so treatment will depend on the cause and type of lump. Treatments may include hot compresses, medications, drainage of the lump, or, in more severe cases, surgery.

When should I see a specialist?

Whenever you notice a lump in your eye, it is advisable go to a oculoplasty specialist. If the lump changes size, shape, or color, or if you experience pain, vision changes, or discharge, it is especially important to seek eye care.

How to prevent the lump in the eyelid of the eye?

The relationship between hygiene and the formation of a lump in the eye is very close. The accumulation of bacteria and debris is the main cause of eye infections that lead to the formation of a lump in the eye. 

To prevent this type of injury, in Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We offer you the following recommendations: 

  • Remove makeup before going to sleep. Makeup residue penetrates the openings of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles, causing them to clog and triggering an infection.
  • makes a good eyelid hygiene. In pharmacies you can find wet wipes specially created to clean and care for the edge of your eyelids. 
  • Clean and disinfect your cases contact lenses. Take care of your lenses and remember to take them off to sleep. 
  • Do not lend your cosmetic or contact lenses

Do you have a lump in your eye? In Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the best team of ophthalmologists in Barcelona. Make an appointment with one of our specialists and get a quick diagnosis. We will wait for you!

Why do I have a lump in my eye?
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Why do I have a lump in my eye?
Find out now about the most common causes of a lump in the eye and how to properly treat it.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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