With the advance of technology, science has allowed the quality of life of the human being to be better generation after generation. Now, from Stanford University, we get a neurostimulator that will solve part of the discomfort of chronic patients suffering from SOS.

To remove particles and foreign bodies from our eyes a good lubrication of these is necessary. If we need one tear film healthy, we will face a risk factor that will prevent us from having a good vision.

Since one of the biggest problems of the SOS comes from a failure in the creation of the tear, the researchers have managed to create a neurostimulator that after its implantation facilitates the creation of the same, since it manages that it is the own lacrimal gland that produce the tear through small electrical impulses.

After studying different cases and evaluating the different methods known so far, Michael Ackermann, responsible for this research, concludes: “Currently two of the most common treatments for Dry Eye They are lubricating the eye by drops or by the administration of drugs such as cyclosporine, but both have drawbacks. Eye drops require refrigeration, which is difficult to apply when needed, plus they do not replicate all the vital components of natural tears. The drug for its part treats the inflammation associated with Dry Eye, but not the cause of the condition. "

With this neurostimulator a correct lubrication of the eye is achieved, although the treatment must combine others for its effect to be complete, such as artificial tear, the consultation of other specialists who help to find the cause of the Dry Eye or the use of the IPL Laser.

dry eye neurostimulator

A neurostimulator that fights the dry eye
Article name
A neurostimulator that fights the dry eye
From the University of Stanford comes a neurostimulator that will solve part of the discomfort of chronic patients suffering from dry eye.
Name of the editor
Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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