Until recently the treatment of the Syndrome of the Dry Eye (SOS) was limited to applying artificial tears, heat and cleaning of Eyelids. Exfoliation of the free edge of the eyelids is currently performed, a new painless technique with immediate effects.

Fighting SOS with a new painless treatment and immediate effects is now a reality. Eyelid exfoliation or blepharocleansing is an eye massage that tries to remove deposits of environmental dirt, bacterial residues and biofilm (biofilm) from the eyelids and, thus, eliminate the inflammatory agents that cause irritation and contribute to the genesis of Dry Eye.

Compared to the remedy that existed until now (artificial tears and soapy water washes or other eye baths), eye massage represents an important advance due to its effectiveness and simplicity. You just have to apply an anesthetic drop to the eye before the treatment - to achieve greater comfort for the patient during the process - and by means of a rotor with diamond powder, the abnormal layer that covers the free edge of the eyelids is removed. The results are usually immediate, depending, of course, on the bacteriological amount found at the base of the tabs (free lid margin).

La Blepharitis It is the inflammation of the eyelids and is caused by the excessive production of bacteria at the base of the eyelashes. The bacteria produce a film that accumulates waste and this leads to the inflammation of this area, where the glands that secrete the fat and nutrients that the tear needs. This treatment manages to eliminate this biofilm, and although it is not in perpetuity, given that this disease is chronic, an optimal result is achieved by repeating the process every 4 - 6 months at the beginning and then once a year.

eye massage for dry eye

Eye massage, remedy against dry eye
Article name
Eye massage, remedy against dry eye
En Área Oftalmológica We perform the exfoliation of the free edge of the eyelids, a new painless technique with immediate effects against dry eye.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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