Today we talk about the irritated eyes and Dry Eye. In many cases of irritated eyes, conjunctivitis chronic or allergic, are actually hiding a picture of Dry Eye poorly diagnosed, with discomfort that does not improve or can even get worse with the treatments that are performed. A dry eye specialist can help solve this problem.

eye irritated eye dryness

Eye irritation and dry eye

Irritation of the eyes by dry eye is the most frequent cause of ophthalmological consultations. Not only because of its frequency, but because in many cases it is not diagnosed correctly since the symptoms are tearing, apparently a contradiction if we speak of dry eye.

Until recently it was thought that what we know as dry eye syndrome was due to a lack of tears and the treatment was limited to using artificial tears. In some cases some relief from the discomfort was achieved, but in most cases the discomfort reappeared or even worsened.

Causes of eye irritation related to dry eye

What we know today is that this irritation of the eyes by dry eye occurs both in the elderly and in young people.

The main cause is that in most cases the irritative factor is not the lack of tears but a tear of poor quality. A tear that lacks the necessary grease to lubricate the eye and to prevent its evaporation during each blink. There is an alteration of some glands of the Eyelids known as Meibomian glands which are responsible for secreting this fat.

The Meibomian glands become blocked and their contents can not escape, causing inflammation of the eyelids, the area of tabs.

At the same time irritation of the eyes occurs because when blinking, the eyelids rub against the ocular surface and, in addition, the tear evaporates, leaving the eyeball unprotected and allowing the air to dry out., causing the typical discomfort of dryness and feeling of grit.

Eye irritation and meibomian glands

There are many factors and risk groups susceptible to meibomian glands being altered and causing eye irritation, the most important we see in this list:

  • Women
  • Advanced age
  • Hormonal changes (puberty, menopause, thyroid)
  • Medications (antidepressants, estrogens, eye drops)
  • Chemical toxicity (mascara, face masks)
  • Excessive use of contact lenses
  • Rheumatic and skin diseases (acne rosacea)
  • Chronic stress
  • Unbalanced diet (low in Omega-3)

It is characteristic that the dryness problems get worse in dry environments with heaters or strong air conditioners, even with the abusive use of the same artificial tears, since the symptoms do not improve, the tendency is to use them more frequently, causing a toxic effect on the eye.

What to do with eye irritation

It is fundamental that When faced with a picture of eye irritation, apparently banal, think that it is a Dry Eye Syndrome and that it can evolve into more serious stages, especially when associated with rheumatic or hormonal disorders.

Diagnosis of eye irritation

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada we have the right technology to diagnose eye irritation and if it is combined with dry eye.

  • Through Meibography we can measure:
  • The quality of the tear.
  • The lipid component of tears.
  • The stability of the tear.
  • Breaking time of the tear film.
  • We will visualize the Meibomian glands.
eye irritation from dry eye

Meibography showing the Meibomian glands of the upper eyelid (asterisk).

Treatment of eye irritation and dry eye

With these data we can establish a specific treatment. It is necessary to restore the functioning of the Meibomian glands. To carry out a correct treatment of eye irritation, it is essential to:

  1. Control possible coexisting diseases. Some of the diseases that most affect the dry eye are: rheumatic, skin or thyroid type disorders.
  2. Remove the application of: eye drops, mascara.
  3. Control the excessive use of contact lenses.
  4. Consult about the drugs that we could be taking, especially antidepressants.

Within the treatment it is important to reestablish a correct diet and control stress. As specific measures, we must normalize the functioning of the meibomian glands, and this is achieved by reopening their salic orifices and cleaning their contents, which is known as probing of the meibomian glands.

eye irritation treatment

microexfoliation of the meibomian glands

Treatment of dry eye by probing the Meibomian glands

After five years, our experience is very good and we can guarantee the success of the treatment in more than one 90% of cases.

En Area oftalmológica Avanzada We have the most advanced technology and a multidisciplinary team of ophthalmologists, nutritionists and endocrine specialists, rheumatologists and dermatologists, to reach a correct diagnosis and be able to establish the most appropriate treatment for each patient.

Irritated eyes and dry eye
Article name
Irritated eyes and dry eye
We talk about irritated eyes and dry eyes. In many cases of irritated eyes or chronic or allergic conjunctivitis, a dry eye is misdiagnosed.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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