
El clogged tear duct It is a very annoying pathology that causes excessive tearing due to stenosis or narrowing of the lacrimal point.

La puntoplasty is a minor surgery that aims to dilate the tear point to correct tear circulation

Puntoplasty is a very effective procedure which is performed with the help of a surgical microscope while the patient is sedated with local anesthesia.

In addition, the surgery is minimally invasive, lasts a short time and It should be carried out compulsorily by an expert surgeon in Oculoplasty.


El clogged tear duct It is a very annoying pathology that causes excessive tearing due to stenosis or narrowing of the lacrimal point.

La puntoplasty is a minor surgery that aims to dilate the tear point to correct tear circulation

Puntoplasty is a very effective procedure which is performed with the help of a surgical microscope while the patient is sedated with local anesthesia.

In addition, the surgery is minimally invasive, lasts a short time and It should be carried out compulsorily by an expert surgeon in Oculoplasty.

What is pointplasty?

To understand what puncture surgery consists of, it is important to know how the tear drainage system works.

The tear-secreting system consists of the superior punctum, inferior punctum, canaliculi, lacrimal sac, and nasolacrimal duct. 

When the tear secreting system works correctly, the tear circulates towards the nose to be discarded and thus avoid excess tear in the ocular structure.

However, when any part of the lacrimal system becomes clogged or narrows (stenosis), tears accumulate in the eye, triggering very annoying symptoms such as constant and excessive tearing.


Some pathologies can cause the collapse of the lacrimal system, the most common being conjunctivitis, ocular dryness, deviated septum, rhinitis, hypertrophic turbinates and trauma.

Also, the pointplasty is a surgery that aims dilate the tear point to improve the drainage of tears.

Depending on the degree of narrowing or tamponade that the patient presents, we can choose to use dilators or make a small incision. In other cases, it is necessary to use lacrimal plugs or use laser technology

How is the operation?

Puntoplasty is a fairly simple, minimally invasive and very effective procedure. The operation is carried out under the influence of local anesthesia applied in dropsis of type ambulatory and must be performed by an ophthalmologist, in the operating room or office.

The steps to perform a pointplasty are the following:

  1. Identification: The first thing we should do is check the ocular structure to identify the tear point that is affected.
  2. Treatment regimen: Depending on the state of narrowing or plugging of the punctum, the ophthalmologist must decide whether to use dilators or make a small surgical incision.
  3. Tracking: With the help of a probe we check if the lacrimal point is again patent and if the obstruction of the lacrimal system has been successfully resolved.

After surgery, the doctor will prescribe topical medications for the patient. During the postoperative It is essential to go to ophthalmological check-ups to verify that the lacrimal point is draining correctly.

Types of point plasty

There are two types of punctum plasty that differ according to the surgical technique we perform:

  • Puntoplasty in a cut. Almost always is done in the doctor's office and under the effects of local anesthesia. When the anesthesia has taken effect, the ophthalmologist proceeds to perform a very small incision at the lower punctum or at the upper punctum. Thanks to the cut, the punctum begins to drain tears back into the nasolacrimal duct.
  • Puntoplasty in three cuts. It is performed in the operating room with the help of a surgical microscope and under the effects of a previously infiltrated anesthesia. Three cuts are made: the first in the vertical part of the canaliculus, the second in the horizontal part, and a third cut to join the first two incisions. Later, tissue is removed and the section of the canicular canal is exposed.

After a punctumplasty, the patient must take antibiotic and anti-inflammatory medications for 7 days.

In some cases, depending on the patient's condition, it is necessary to place plugs for 4 or 6 weeks in order to dilate and increase the size of the tear point.

Surgery results

The pointplasty It is a very safe and effective procedure to treat the symptoms and discomfort caused by the narrowing or plugging of the lacrimal system. That said, for punctumplasty to be successful, It should be performed by an ophthalmologist specialized in lacrimal ducts.

Ophthalmologists with this specialty have the preparation and knowledge necessary to safely perform the different puncture-plasty techniques, as well as the experience to determine the ideal procedure that each patient needs.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We have specialists specifically trained in puncture surgery, which allows us to offer excellent safety and surgical management.

What is puntoplasty and how does it work?
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What is puntoplasty and how does it work?
Find out what puntoplasty is and how this operation is performed.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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