Stye on the upper eyelid

Factors such as stress, the use of contact lenses and poor eyelid hygiene can cause the formation of a stye on upper eyelid of eye.

El orzuelo is a lump that occurs on the eyelid by a infection and it looks very similar to a pimple. However, despite the fact that it does not represent a major health risk, it is usually very annoying and painful.

Stye on the upper eyelid

Factors such as stress, the use of contact lenses and poor eyelid hygiene can cause the formation of a stye on upper eyelid of eye.

El orzuelo is a lump that occurs on the eyelid by a infection and it looks very similar to a pimple. However, despite the fact that it does not represent a major health risk, it is usually very annoying and painful.

What is an upper eyelid stye?

El stye on the upper eyelid is a painful lump that grows under the eyelid or at the base where the eyelashes are born.

This injury is very similar to a pimple, as it has a white dot in the center and usually contain pus inside

Most styes are caused by obstruction of the Zeiss sebaceous gland or Moll sweat gland, and can become cystic if they are not treated correctly.

The plugging of these glands becomes the ideal environment for the proliferation of bacteria and, as a consequence, the formation of a stye.

There are two types of styes

  • El external stye It begins at the base of the eyelash and is usually caused by an infection in the hair follicle.
  • El internal stye grows inside the eyelid and is caused by infection of a sebaceous gland.


All the main causes that cause the formation of a stye on the upper eyelid are: 

Staphylococcal infection

All the staphylococcus bacteria they are related to most infections and can be present on the skin and in the nose.

When come into contact with any opening in the skin or the edge of the eyelid, cause an infection that leads to a stye.

Una poor eyelid hygiene, the accumulation of debris, makeup, wearing contact lenses without disinfecting them or touching your eyes with dirty hands are some of the triggers of a staph infection.

upper eyelid stye

eyelid swelling 

La chronic inflammation of the eyelids It is known in ophthalmology by the name of Blepharitis and it is one of the causes a stye can cause.

This disease causes eye redness, constant tearing and lagañas that mainly affect the edge of the eyelid.

In this way, the people who suffer from chronic blepharitis or recurring are more likely to develop internal styes.

In some cases, the formation of a stye can be caused by stress, oily skin, conditions such as acne and rosacea, and hormonal changes that occur for no apparent reason.

Symptoms of a stye on the upper eyelid

The main stye symptom in the upper eyelid is the formation of a hard and very painful ball on the upper eyelid Of the eye. Depending on its size and location, the stye can cause discomfort when you open and close your eyes.

The stye symptoms on the upper eyelid are:

  • Pain on the affected eyelid. 
  • Swollen upper eyelid
  • Formation of a ball It looks very similar to a pimple.
  • Tearing excessive. 
  • Leganas
  • Eye irritation o sensation of have a strange body inside the eye. 
  • Photophobia or sensitivity to light. 
  • Blurred vision depending on its size.

Treatment of the stye in the upper eyelid

In the presence of a ball in the upper eyelid, the first thing to do is go to the ophthalmologist to check for the presence of a stye. 

After analyzing the palpebral structure and confirming that it is a stye, the doctor will offer the necessary instructions to treat the injury. Styes usually go away on their own within a week or two. 

For treat stye on upper eyelid, we recommend the application of heat on the bulge. The procedure consists of heat a cloth in the microwave and place it for 5 minutes on the eye.

swollen upper eyelid

Why is heat used to treat a stye? Because the heat helps to dilate the glands of the eyelid to properly drain the content of the stye and combat inflammation of the eyelid.

Also, massage and eyelid hygiene consist of indispensable for cure a stye. Ideally, repeat the heat therapy three times a day.

It is important do not touch the stye or try to remove it, as this can make the infection worse. We also recommend avoid the use of makeup, cosmetics and contact lenses until the lesion disappears.

If the stye is caused by blepharitis or eye infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotic drops and eye drops to combat the proliferation of bacteria in the upper eyelid.


For prevent a stye and avoid that annoying pain, we must follow a series of guidelines. Take note:

  • Wash your hands several times a day with antibacterial soap for 30 seconds. 
  • Don't touch your eyes with dirty hands. 
  • Disinfects correctamente your glasses and contact lenses.
  • Practice one correct eyelid hygiene.  
  • Don't sleep with makeup
  • Evita use expired cosmetic products
  • Don't wear other people's makeup or contact lenses.

Puffy eyelids: other causes

Sometimes the upper eyelid swells due to other types of infections. The most commons are:  

  • Edema due to lack of sleep or insomnia. In these cases, the swelling goes away on its own within hours. 
  • All the allergic reactions They can also make the upper eyelid swollen and itchy. 
  • Insect bites or mosquitoes on the edge of the eyelid. 
  • Sometimes the hyperthyroidism can cause eyelid swelling and pain. 
Stye on the upper eyelid: what is it, causes and symptoms
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Stye on the upper eyelid: what is it, causes and symptoms
Do you already know what a stye on the upper eyelid is? We inform you about its causes, what symptoms it has and how to prevent it.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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