
Lagoftalmos is a condition that is characterized by inability of the person to properly close the eyelids.

When this happens, there is a space between the upper and lower eyelids which exposes the ocular structure to external media and can cause important health problems, such as ocular dryness

The most frequent cause for which a lagoftalmia occurs is the Facial paralysis, who weakens the eyelid muscles preventing their total closure.


Lagoftalmos is a condition that is characterized by inability of the person to properly close the eyelids.

When this happens, there is a space between the upper and lower eyelids which exposes the ocular structure to external media and can cause important health problems, such as ocular dryness

The most frequent cause for which a lagoftalmia occurs is the Facial paralysis, who weakens the eyelid muscles preventing their total closure.

What is lagoftalmos?

It is known as lagoftalmos, or lagoftalmia, at inability to close your eyes completely, which causes us to leave a space between the lower and upper eyelids that exposes the ocular structure. 

When a person suffers from gophthalmos, their eye health may be affected as a result of excess exposure to air, which usually trigger a severe dry eye.

Given the impossibility of closing the eyelids well, it is important to go to the ophthalmologist as soon as possible to find out the origin of the lesion as soon as possible and prevent eye diseases arising from this condition.

Types of lagophthalmos

Lagoftalmos can be classified into two types according to their cause: 

  • Paralytic or nervous lagophthalmos: occurs as a result of a problem with the facial nerve that is responsible for transmitting nerve information to the orbicular muscle, which is responsible for controlling the movements of the eyelids. When the facial nerve is affected, the orbicular muscle cannot completely close the eyelids. 
  • Mechanical lagophthalmos: This type of lagoftalmos is the one that occurs when the orbital muscle works perfectly, but there is an external factor that prevents the closure of the eyelids. 


The most frequent causes for which a lagoftalmos occurs are the Facial paralysis, cerebrovascular diseases or some types of tumors.

These diseases usually affect the functioning of the facial nerve, which is why they are associated with nervous or paralytic lagoftalmos.

El mechanical lagophthalmos is associated with external factors which can prevent the complete closure of the eyelids. In these cases, lagophthalmia is associated with eyelid scars or conjunctiva, eyelid retraction, exophthalmos, entropion o ectropion o palpebral laxity.

Very rarely it can happen that the lagoftalmos is the side effect of a blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery.

Nocturnal lagophthalmos

Occasionally, the inability to close the eyelids tightly occurs only during the hours of sleep, this condition is known by the name of nocturnal lagophthalmos.

Causes sleep with your eyes open it can also be a cause of conditions type mechanical o nervous, which is why nocturnal lagophthalmos is associated with facial paralysis, tumors, cerebrovascular disease, scars, ectropion, exophthalmos, etc. 



The space between the eyelids of a person with lagophthalmos can cause significant discomfort in the ocular structure derived from excess air entering the eye, evaporates the tear and causes dry eyes.

Let us know below the main symptoms of lagophthalmos: 

  • Redness eyepiece e irritation of the affected eye. 
  • Foreign body sensation in the eye. 
  • Pain o stinging.
  • Blurred vision.
  • Excessive tear production.

Consequences of lagoftalmos

Lagoftalmos can produce negative consequences on eye health due to constant exposure to the air in the eye and the lack of protection from external agents such as dust.

Having lagophthalmos can cause:

  • Poor eye lubrication It can cause irritation and pain when you blink.
  • Eye dryness which can cause excessive tearing, irritation, blurred vision, crying eyes and eye pain.
  • Penetration of external agents such as dust to the eye structure that can cause infections or inflammations. 
  • inflammation of the cornea, better known as keratitis by lagoftalmos. 


The treatment of lagoftalmos depends on the cause of the same and the symptoms that are causing the patient. When the lagophthalmos is mild, the doctor usually recommends a lubricating therapy to prevent dry eyes.

When the lagoftalmos is more severe, the need to resort to surgical treatment for the lagoftalmos can be evaluated. 


The lubricating therapy to treat the lagoftalmos consists in the person applying artificial tears and ointments during the day or gels during the night.

The goal of this therapy is mitigate the symptoms of lagoftalmos and prevent dry eyes. It is also possible for the ophthalmologist to recommend to the patient the use of moisture goggles or special patches during sleep. 

If we fall into a more severe picture, we can apply the specific treatments for dry eye such as radiofrequency therapy, the use of pulsed light such as ThermaEye Plus or the instillation of drops made with the patient's own blood.


The surgical treatment for lagoftalmos consists of implant a small gold weight to help the upper eyelid close properly. Another option for surgery for lagoftalmos is to improve the tension of the lower eyelid by anchoring it to the lateral bone. 

Surgical treatment is performed when several months have passed after diagnosing the lagoftalmos and there has been no significant improvement.

The degree of exposure of the ocular structure, the symptoms of the person and the state of the orbicularis muscle are determining factors for the choice of treatment of lagoftalmos.

Lagophthalmos or the inability to close the eyelids properly
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Lagophthalmos or the inability to close the eyelids properly 
Lagoftalmos is a condition that is characterized by the inability to close the eyelids. We tell you its causes and treatment.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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