Eyelid Retraction

The eyelids are the protective windows of the eyes that open and close to protect the entire eye structure. The eyelids are very important for the health of the eye, just like the retina, the cornea and the optic nerve, since they facilitate the hydration of all the ocular structures and allow the tear to be distributed correctly.

Eyelid retraction is an alteration that compromises the proper functioning of the eyelids y exposes the eye against external agents that can affect the health of the entire ocular structure. The very high myopia and the natural aging of the skin are the main factors that can trigger the eyelid retraction.

Eyelid Retraction

The eyelids are the protective windows of the eyes that open and close to protect the entire eye structure. The eyelids are very important for the health of the eye, just like the retina, the cornea and the optic nerve, since they facilitate the hydration of all the ocular structures and allow the tear to be distributed correctly.

Eyelid retraction is an alteration that compromises the proper functioning of the eyelids y exposes the eye against external agents that can affect the health of the entire ocular structure. The very high myopia and the natural aging of the skin are the main factors that can trigger the eyelid retraction.

Definition and function of the eyelids

The eyelids are much more than mobile structures that open and close to protect the eyes. The eyelids are folds of tissue that are part of the epidermis of the face and are much more sensitive, thin and therefore vulnerable to external factors. 

The eyelids are very important structures for the health of the eyes and for the well-being of the entire ocular structure. The main functions of the eyelids are: 

  • Protect the eyes from light or any excess light that may be harmful. The eyelids are like two blinds that protect the eye structure. 
  • They prevent any external agentlike dust and bacteria penetrate the eye structure.
  • They cover their eyes during sleep to prevent external agents from penetrating the eye and interrupting rest. 
  • The blinking action of the eyelids is very important for keep eyes clean and stimulate the correct tear circulation in the eye structure. 
  • They keep the ocular structure hydrated correctly. During blinking the eyelids help to distribute the lipid substance in the eye.

What is eyelid retraction?

Normally the upper eyelid covers two millimeters of cornea and the lower eyelid reaches the limit between the cornea and the sclera, known as the limbus. Any alteration in the eyelids that modifies the tissue down or up can affect the lining of the eye and is called eyelid retraction. 

Eyelid retraction affects the way the eyelids open and close, affecting ocular hydration and exposing the eyes to harmful agents such as excess light, bacteria and debris present in the environment. Therefore, to preserve eye health and visual quality, it is important to correct eyelid retraction.

eyelid retraction

Causes of eyelid retraction

Among the most common causes of eyelid retraction we find the following: 

  • Variations in the tissue due to the presence of malar bones or for having a orbit very big
  • Natural aging of the skin that generates flaccidity and can trigger a change in the position of the eyelids.  
  • La very high myopia, known as high myopia, can alter the position of the palpebral tissue. 
  • La orbital thyroid disease It is a condition characterized by significant growth of the eyeball. This condition can alter the position of the eyelids and cause their retraction.
  • Eye inflammation o ocular tumors They can also modify the position of the skin of the eyelids and cause their retraction.  

Eyelid retraction symptoms

Palpebral retraction, whether of the upper or lower eyelid, triggers a process of ocular dryness, inability to close the eyes properly and reduced vision. Symptoms of eyelid retraction are:

  • eye irritation
  • Redness of the eye. 
  • Excessive tearing.
  • Blurry vision. 
  • Corneal damage or inflammation of the cornea known as keratitis.
  • Difficulty resting properly because the eyelids do not close completely during sleep. 
  • Sensation of having a foreign body inside the eye. 
  • Burning and sensitivity to light.
eyelid retraction hyperthyroidism

Surgery with eyelid retraction

Eyelid retraction is an ophthalmological specialty and the most indicated specialist to treat it is the oculoplastic.

To treat eyelid retraction, it is essential to attend an ophthalmological consultation so that the expert can review the ocular structure and determine which is the best treatment for eyelid retraction. 

When retraction is present in the lower eyelid the best option is to use the surgery. If the retraction is mild, canthoplasms or lateral tarsal strips can be used, just as they are used to treat ectropion. The goal of surgery is lift the eyelid and hold it at its ideal angle. If the retraction is very important, the doctor may prefer to use grafts from the same patient, from the sclera, auricular cartilage or the palate. 

To treat palpebral retraction of the Upper eyelid you can choose to apply Botulinum toxin to obtain a temporary lowering of the tissue. This treatment consists of paralyzing the levator palpebrae muscle to cause a ptosis secondary of approximately 6 months duration. 

La surgery to retract the upper eyelidWhen it is mild, it consists of removing a very small muscle whose function is to raise the eyelid (mullerectomy). When removing the muscle, the eyelid can descend up to 2 millimeters. 

When the retraction is greater, the levator palpebrae muscle can be lengthened or weakened to produce partial ptosis. In more severe cases it may be necessary to add spacers to increase the length of the eyelid.

Eyelid retraction: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
Article name
Eyelid retraction: what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment
Eyelid retraction affects the way the eyelids open and close, affects eye hydration, and exposes the eyes to harmful agents such as excess light, bacteria, and debris in the environment.
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Área Oftalmológica
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