At what age can a blepharoplasty be done?

Many of our patients ask us at what age can a blepharoplasty be done?. The truth is that there is no specific age, so people of any adult age can be operated.

However, depending on the skin conditions and eye health, the medical specialist can determine what is the best time for a blepharoplasty.

At what age can a blepharoplasty be done?

Many of our patients ask us at what age can a blepharoplasty be done?. The truth is that there is no specific age, so people of any adult age can be operated.

However, depending on the skin conditions and eye health, the medical specialist can determine what is the best time for a blepharoplasty.

What is the use of blepharoplasty?

As time passes, the skin loses its firmness and begins to fall, especially around the eyes. The flaccidity brings as a consequence drooping eyelids that can interfere with a correct vision.

Aesthetic benefits

Blepharoplasty is the technique that offers improve the appearance of the eyes and its main benefits are:

  • Aesthetic improvement of the eyes. By eliminating excess skin it is possible to offer the face a look much younger and fresher.
  • Blepharoplasty helps correct excess skin and wrinkles present in the lower eyelids.
  • It helps to remove excess skin on the eyelids upper and lower, refreshing the appearance of the area and making it look less tired. 
  • This procedure is ideal to eliminate eye bags and give the eyes a younger appearance. 
  • This surgery is also the procedure indicated for correct droopy eyelids

Eye benefits

Blepharoplasty not only serves to improve the aesthetic appearance of the eyes and face. The use of this technique also offers functional benefits for vision, such as:

  • Improve peripheral vision affected by droopy and droopy eyelids.
  • Sometimes excess skin bumps into the lens of the glasses and is uncomfortable. The removal of this tissue in the eyelids and eye contour in general it helps the person to make better use of the glasses.

For this reason it is essential that the blepharoplasty be performed by an ophthalmologist specializing in ocular plastic surgery.

At what age can a blepharoplasty be done?

A question that patients express in a common way is at what age a blepharoplasty can be done. The reality is that there is no age that determines from what moment a person can have this surgery, the procedure can be carried out at any age as long as there are important reasons to do it.

The people who most request a blepharoplasty are those who are motivated to improve the aesthetic appearance of your eyes. Let's keep in mind that while this intervention helps improve wrinkles and excess skin In the eye contour, it is not considered a facial rejuvenation.

at what age can a blepharoplasty be done?

To perform a blepharoplasty it is important that the person meets the following requirements:

  • Tenga good health general.
  • Preferably that don't be a smoker.
  • That does not own any alteration in the ocular structure of both eyes.
  • Have a healthy skin and muscles in the area to intervene.

Usually people who decide to undergo eye surgery They are 35 years of age or older. In some cases, surgery is performed on people. younger which by genetic inheritance have had a early depression of the skin around the eyes.

blepharoplasty it can not be practiced in people with:

How is eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty is a minimally invasive surgery, is done with Anesthesia local and ambulatory. Depending on the needs of the patient, sometimes the doctor may prefer the use of general anesthesia.

La Duration of the procedure can be 1 and 3 hours. The total time of blepharoplasty depends on whether surgery is performed on both eyelids and whether the intervention is used to correct a refractive defect.

During blepharoplastya one is done eyelid incision It can be made with a scalpel or laser. Through this opening the doctor remove excess skin, músculo o fat and subsequently close the incision with suture.

There are important Advantages when performing the laser incision instead of scalpel: 

  • The opening made with laser is more precise and small, even sometimes it is done inside the same eyelid.
  • The laser goes cauterizing blood vessels while making the incision. This property allows blood loss to be minimized during blepharoplasty.
  • While less blood In the area to be treated, the medical specialist can better perform his role.
  • La recovery of people operated with laser is faster and the scabs from the wounds come off sooner.

Blepharoplasty recovery

Once the eyelid surgery is completed, the person must remain in recovery for two hours. After the time the doctor will give the postoperative indications and the patient can go home in the company of a family member.

After blepharoplasty the doctor applies on the eyes a ointment to lubricate the treated area and use a bandage that the person should keep until the specialist indicates. Sometimes the bandage is removed the next day.

The first days you experience pain and inflammation, symptoms that can be fought with over-the-counter pain relievers prescribed by the ophthalmologist. The days following surgery are important:

  • keep head raised and straight.
  • Apply cold packs to decrease inflammation and avoid bruising.
  • Wash your eyes according to medical indications.
  • Use eye drops for keep eyes lubricated.
  • Do not wear contact lenses during the first 15 days following the operation.
  • Save 10 days of absolute rest.
  • wear sunglasses.
  • Not do sports for 3 weeks.
  • Not watch TV the 3 days following the operation.

After surgery it is normal for the person to experience a little blurred vision, tearing y sensitivity to lightThese symptoms are transient. In case of feeling a lot of pain it is important to go to the ophthalmologist.

At what age can a Blepharoplasty be done?
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At what age can a Blepharoplasty be done?
One of the most frequent doubts about eyelid surgery is at what age a blepharoplasty can be done. We clarify everything to you in detail!
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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