
La blepharoplasty, Also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical intervention that seeks correct bags or excess skin on both eyelids. This intervention can be done in the upper eyelids, lower Or in the four eyelids.

Currently, thanks to surgical techniques minimally invasive We are able to perform the operation of droopy eyelids with Anesthesia local, times of much faster recovery y more natural results.


La blepharoplasty, Also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical intervention that seeks correct bags or excess skin on both eyelids. This intervention can be done in the upper eyelids, lower Or in the four eyelids.

Currently, thanks to surgical techniques minimally invasive We are able to perform the operation of droopy eyelids with Anesthesia local, times of much faster recovery y more natural results.

What is blepharoplasty?

La blepharoplasty, Also known as eyelid surgery, is a surgical intervention. It is done for the purpose of eliminate excess fat, leather o muscle in lower or upper eyelids that, in addition to representing a aesthetic problem, can be compromising a correct vision. Thus, this surgery is used to correct both the drooping eyelids as eye bags.

Currently, blepharoplasty is one of the most demanded procedures in ophthalmology centers and can be performed in conjunction with surgeries to correct refractive problems and myopia, farsightedness or astigmatism, although not in the same surgical procedure.

Who can have a blepharoplasty?

Before considering the possibility of undergoing a blepharoplasty, it is important to know if you are a candidate for this procedure. The people who most demand this intervention are those who have as priority an improvement in its aesthetic appearance. In any case, it must be understood that it is not a total rejuvenation procedure for the area. This surgery will not eliminate wrinkles known as crow's feet and, although it considerably improves the appearance of bags under the eyes, it is not a facial rejuvenation procedure. Therefore, it is important for the patient to be very realistic in their expectations regarding this corrective treatment. 

Also, to undergo eyelid surgery are indispensable requirements that the patient complies:

  • Have a good health general.
  • Preferably not be smoker habitual.
  • Not possess any additional alteration in the ocular structure.
  • Have in good tissue health status Facial and muscle.

Contraindications of blepharoplasty

People suffering from these diseases are not candidates to undergo a blepharoplasty:

  • Problems in the thyroid gland.
  • Present severe tear deficiency.
  • They have problems with the blood pressure.
  • Suffer from diabetes o heart diseases.

Also, conditions such as glaucoma or detached retina can be considered a impediment to this surgeryHowever, an ophthalmologist can authorize its performance after a thorough review of eye health.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada, as eye health professionals, we carry out a complete study of each of the patients interested in this surgery who come to our office in order to guarantee that they are suitable candidates for this procedure. 

How is eyelid surgery?

Blepharoplasty is a outpatient procedure which is performed in a clinical center under the influence of Anesthesia local. However, depending on the needs of the patient and preferences of the surgeon, it can also be performed under general anesthesia. The duration of surgery ranges from 1 to 3 hours, depending on whether only the eyelid correction is carried out or if a procedure for refractive problems is also performed.

blepharoplasty before and after

When the person wishes correct all four eyelids, the intervention begins in the upper eyelids. In these cases, the incisions are made in the natural folds of the skin and are closed with very fine sutures. The scars are almost imperceptible once the wound has healed and has subsided. Once the operation is over, the person will have to spend a couple of hours recovering before going home.

The results of this surgery are progressive, that is, they are appreciated and improvements with the passing of days. At first, both eyes may look very swollen and red, however, once the inflammation subsides, a considerable improvement can be seen. The results are permanent y the scar little by little it will become a white line, thin and almost invisible.

Blepharoplasty recovery

After surgery, the medical specialist will apply a lubricating ointment to the eyes and it may be necessary to bandage them. The pain and discomfort experienced in the eyelids is easily relieved with painkillers prescribed by the surgeon. Also, the person must maintain the head raised and straight for several days and apply cold compresses to help decrease la inflammation and bruising.

Some transient symptoms that may occur after the operation are:

  • Blurry vision.
  • Tearing excessively.
  • Sensitivity to light.

The doctor should explain to the patient how wash your eyes and what eye drops to use to keep them lubricated.

The stitches are removed during the first week y No. should wear contact lenses for 15 days. In need to be 10 days of absolute rest, use sunglasses, Solar protection y avoid impact activities for 3 weekss. Three days later of the operation you can watch television, computer or use smartphones.

Risks of eyelid surgery

The risks of a blepharoplasty are not different from those of any surgical intervention. In this way, the possibility of contracting a infection in the operating room or suffer any adverse reaction to anesthesia is present. However, eyelid surgery, when done by a professional en Oculoplasty, does not suggest any risk to the patient's health.

If they appear complications after the operation these usually reverse over time and do not represent any alarm. The ideal to reduce any unwanted situation is follow the verbatim surgeon's instructions

Blepharoplasty specialists

Eyelid surgery should be performed by ophthalmologist specializing in eye plastic surgery. Therefore, when considering this operation, it is essential to go to a professional with said profile, since this guarantees not only the success of the intervention but also the eye and general health of the person.

En Área Oftalmológica Avanzada We have the best human and technological team. Our doctors not only they have the ideal profile but they work with the most modern equipment that exist in the market to operate the eyelids and correct any refractive problems. Contact us and find out how we can help you improve the appearance of this area effectively. 

Article name
Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is the procedure to remove accumulated fat from the eyelids. We are a specialized eye clinic.
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Área Oftalmológica Avanzada
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